
Katari is a small woman, standing at 5'8" with fair skin, a kind face, and flowing white hair despite being only 26 years old. She is a kind, compassionate woman who cannot abide suffering and has no qualms ending a life she knows cannot be saved, though she will do her best to help them she will never unnaturally extend a being's life. She is however, a rather reserved person, not prone to great displays of emotion but rather subdued smiles and off-handed remarks and observations in lieu of lewd jokes. A spirit she knows as Sergai is tied to her and she views him as a dear friend , as close or even closer than her own family.

Born to a family of Grave Clerics of Sehanine Moonbow; the fey Goddess of Death, dreams, journeys, the Full Moon, and transcendence, Katari and her family were nomads, traveling from town to town to preform funeral rites and put the spirits to rest with their tribe. Being Grave Clerics, they hate the undead and destroy them whenever they are found, seeing them as a cruelty to the creatures they used to be and the spirits whose corpses are defiled. Others make see this tribe as odd, as they do not fear the dead and treat them with great compassion, often speaking to them in soft soothing tones as the bodies are prepared for cremation or burial. They view Death as the next logical step to life and not something to fear when their time has come.

Being a member of this Kalashtar tribe, she and her family all have individual spirits tied to them that they have a strong sense of compassion for; these spirits whose memories come to them in place of dreams when they sleep. Though they typically feel more comfortable under the glow of the moon at night than they do the light of day and come to be more invigorated as the Full Moon approaches.

After many years, this small, white-haired young woman has begun to get a desire to ease her spirits suffering as she has for countless spirits in her tribe's travels. This is celebrated by her family as they wish her luck and good fortune on her journey into the world. After praying for guidance under the full moon with her tribe, she gathers her things and sets off with only the memories of her spirit and the determination to set things right.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human