Dante Capricia

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"Mum said there'd be days like this!"

She's a curvy girl alright.  Taller than the average human or elf,  not as statuesque as many Outsiders travelling the realms, but all in all a round, compact strong looking young woman with a delightfully crooked grin and mischief twinkling in her nearly black eyes.

 She's not short on confidence, either.  In fact it's almost bordering on arrogance but her one saving grace is that she doesn't put others down in order to raise herself up.  On the contrary! She's often finding something to compliment others on and is still almost impossible to be affected by insults.  

 Is she devil? Demon? She doesn't even know, and claims to be either one depending on mood.  Those in the know recognize succubus energies around her  yet she doesn't seem to purposely try to enchant or beguile anyone, odd duck that she is.

((This is due in part to D&D rules edition editors smoking crack at some point and classifying Succubus as devils. The temporary absurdity was too good to pass up as a character trait for confusion.))
*As overheard at the Arrival Docks Registrar*

 Mmm-hm,  Dante...Capricia.  Yes, that's my name! *Quietly under her breath* Today, anyway...

 Where was I born?  I don't quite know,  terribly sorry! We traveled a lot, you see.

-What- am I?  Bit of a cheeky one, aren't you? *Quietly chuckles* Sugar, spice and everything nice of course! Oh,  you mean bloodline,  race.  The BORING stuff.   Fey'ri should suffice.  Would you accept half-elf? No? Fine...

 No, I'm not bringing strange animals or fruits or vegetables,  just darling me!  I'm here on business-pleasure-tourism-opportunity!

  Right, then! Just point me to the shops and the tavern and I'll scurry on about my way!
You're so fine, I want you mine, You're so delicious
I think about you all the time, You're so addictive
Don't you know what I can do to make you feel all right?

Don't pretend, I think you know I'm damn precious
And hell yeah, I'm the mother fucking princess
I can tell you like me too, and you know I'm right


She is cis-female. (This means she was not born with a penis,  does not have one currently and has no plans to grow one.)

Lights: Keep in mind the following are for ERP/romance scenes only.  I'll RP with anyone regardless of character concept. ERP/romance is what is limited.

No enslavement (of her)
No true animals
No variation of herms / dickgirls
No scat or golden showers
No permanent damage or marking / claiming
No freakishly ginormous dicks.  She's flexible but she's not a walking condom.

Yellow: (Must get my express permission )
-Impregnation or breeding
-Tattoos or other permanent alterations, physical or mental
-Rape or Capture
-Joining a House, Clan, Family, Cause, Fanclub, Harem or any variation thereof
-Group scenes

Vanilla to ?? (handholding?)
I guess we'll find out!

I won't just log on a bad scene.  I'll give the courtesy of saying it's not working out if it gets to that point.  I hope for the same in return.

I know everyone says "Oh the Light system is for sex only,  you can't redlight other things that offend you, sucks to be you!" Ok,  I can work with that, but that doesn't mean I'll respond to Godmoding or childish OOC-driven abuse if I don't want to.  

 Things that catch my attention and in turn my character's ?  Non-sexual scenes, wit, maturity, confidence, among other things.  

Now with a chewy nougat center!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human