Rina Biphyra

Age: 122
Height: 5"1"
Sex: Female
Race: Elf
Hair: Golden Blonde
Eyes: Dark with a lighter center.
Chest: Nearly flat. Small breasts
Rear: Wide, perky, and curvy.  

General Idea while its a WIP
Inexperienced wannabe Merc. Wearing only the shiniest gear. In over her head yet doesn't always know it.

OOC LIGHTS - The character wants none, but the player does.

Whites: Rape, Rolls, Subbing, BDSM, Body mod, being approached, Large insertions, brutes and ugly beasts, anal.

Greens: Torture to a degree, bad ends.

Yellow: Just ask if you don't see it. Non-con into con.

Red: Pedo, bathroom stuff, trying to start an ooc relationship.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human