Ssin'Urn'Ultrine Wen'Feyja

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Name: Ssin'Urn'Ultrine ("Beautiful Conqueror" in the Common Tongue) Wen'Feyja (A Noble House of Menzoberranzan, The City of Spiders.)
Home: Che'El Oloth Lle'lsgar
Present Title:

Age: Open to Conjecture (See Story)
Gender: Female (eldest Maternal twin)
Orientation: Pansexual, but leans more to company of those expressed as female.
Height: She is short... very short. Perhaps a side effect of her unnatural age.
Weight: almost 90 lbs.. which one would think means she is "chubby" based on he size... but it seems this too appears to be a side effect of her growth. However, she looks lean and firm visually.

Ssin, has barely been alive a heartbeat before her life got...strange. Considering who her mother is... that strangeness seems more obvious. Will the traits of her mother become mirrored by this daughter... or something else entirely??
One thing is clear... she was only minutes old when the power of Lolth quickly began to flow thru her! Chronologically... Ssin is about 4 human years old. But due to the forced unnatural aging process at birth, she is biologically 120 (human years- 24 yrs old as a drow)  Yes, this makes her "older" than her mother.

The events that transpired shortly after she and her twin were born, are open to speculation, suspicion and even conspiracy theories!

What is known is that by the time she WAS returned... She had even surpassed her own mother in sheer clerical power!  
Seeing the maelstrom form and grow, Ssin sat quietly watching. Waiting.
And just when the time was right... She Struck. Without malice. Without mercy. But with cold hearted efficiency, Ssin immobilized her mother effortlessly with a spell, and then plunged the dagger into her.. Over, and over... and over.... until her life's blood drained and with another incantation sent her soul straight to the Demonweb, as a gift for the Weaver.
She looted the body of everything. Gold, jewelry, deeds, secrets.... Soo many secrets. And her book of vendetta's. She knew of its existence... but never seeing it, wondered if it was real.. and alas.. here it her hands... Safe.  For now.
It did not take long, before Ssin realized she missed her ilhar (mother) almost as much as the valsharess who condemned and banished her from Oloth, although she would never openly admit it...
Thus began her personal quest to bring her murdered headless ilhar back to life!
Now, you would wonder why she didnt cast a simple resurrection spell...  Lolth prevented her from such a simple resolution as a means to test her as well as a bit of twisted entertainment.  Having to resort to alternative methods, Ssin proceeded to coerce, threaten and pilfer anything and everything she believed to need in order to accomplish her task.  When the Valsharess, and other Matrons heard of her dangerous and violently explosive factors involved... Ssin was not so subtly reminded that they would be most  annoyed if there was any damage to the structure of the Underdark caverns that Oloth calls home...  Sooo Ssin moved her operations to an undisclosed location in Mur Center.. After all, if there was an unfortunate accident, the half kilometer radius crater wouldn't disturb any Drow holdings.

After many citizens from various cities in Arche Terre and Menzoberranzan  were abducted and experimented on over the course of a year... The procedure took place under Mur Center to what appears to be a resounding success!  Ilharess Zurrya demanded lab notes and step by step procedures shortly after.... Ssin has done her best to avoid the admission that she had no notes... and that she basically made it up as it occurred!  Ahhh.. the impetuous and reckless disregard for safety brought on by youth!  
The rituals and procedure was not without personal cost to the young Yath'Tallar. Because the acts committed by Ssin'Urn to Allie were cold and calculating. And by one who should have been playing with spiders and tormenting House slaves in between studies instead of assassinating her ilhar in a very adult fashion... The Dark Mother, saw fit to drain any warmth and passion from the jalil's heart, making her a more effective tool for the Goddess. But also to curse her with appearing eternally diminutive and youthful and often times not taken seriously by peers or outright jealousy as they grow older and she in turn seems more "unnatural" and "frozen in time". Those that make the mistake of touching her, discover that she feels cold as a corpse (if not even more frigid) and there have even been rumours that she is actually traded her "life" for "unlife". There would be some merit to this, if her blood when spilled was not quite hot to the touch...    

Player:Slippery when wet
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human