Caeria Vaelswane


Interest: Males only!

GREEN: Beasts, demons, undead, monsters, rude bois, dungeon crawling scenarios, non-con, size differences (smaller AND larger!), size queen for the latter.

YELLUH: Vanilla humans. :| No, Craig, I did not log into a fantasy world to fuck an accountant.

RED: Don't shit on me, don't eat me, don't cut me, don't kill me.


Elegant blue hair falls down in waves along olive skinned shoulders bearing proudly upon this warrior. She holds herself at a conservative and proud bearing, like a soldier: Shoulders back, chin up, head proud. Even in a place of freedom the warrior seems shackled by self-discipline, her eyes bearing an uneasy stoicism.

Silver-blue eyes gaze out hawk-like towards her surroundings. Between them a strong nose comes down to thick and pursed lips, giving the countenance of a serious and weathered queen pondering a harrowing choice. Yet, were one to approach as a friend, they'd find sparkling eyes and easy laughter, breaking the otherwise proud mask she bears.

Caeria often smells of various spices and soot, giving easy suggestion to her professions as a blacksmith and cook. Each piece of armor bears her name 'CAERIA' in a circle around the seal of a silver dragon, flanked by an onyx circle.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human