Udossa Death'Kyss

- Goes by Stormy.
- Born to Jennive and Izzarra on Kissmet.
- One half of Identical Twins.

-Race Mixed ( tiefling) , drow-succubi-human.
Gender- Female Fully.
H- 5-10"
Eyes-dark violet
Hair- Shiny raven Black.
Orientation- lesbian, ( not pan or bi)

Red- Upfront : Male or those with male parts.  Usual, nothing against server rules, mind control, prema changes, gore, dismemberment, body morphing, god modding, or pregnany play/Breeding. NOT random tell friendly - (see below decript).

Yellows- Lots of things mood dependant.  When in doubt ask.  - RP of succubi ability of life drain via sex ... there's legitimate 'exceptions' , but its not an "invite" to try.  

Green- Friends, RP, RP, RP! Immersive/Dynamic play.  This is how you "get somewhere".

Udossa goes by Stormy , her and her twins build is spot on identical.  In fact they seem to have a bonding, and shared characteristics between them.  
Basically they are WYSIWYG , very full bodied women, curvy hips , ample chest, with a pale skin for those of drow decent. ( Due to the inherited succubi curse carried in the Deathkyss family.)

Both twins have a bit sultry, deeper tone to thier voices, speaking in slightly off canter manner in common, heavily accented. Its obvious, common was not thier first learned language.  

*** OOC notes to others.  -  I am a dynamic and immersive player.  I don't like the web client, I don't like lazy means of trying to hook up with toons, browsing bios.  I will not respond to tells from those i don't play with or know, outside of OOC questions.
 I am NOT here to ERP , for the sake of ERPing ... it doesn't work that way.  My characters are interesting, and have lives in game, they have relationships, friendships, and histories. RP is the only way anyone is going to score. Save your time, if your just on the server to get your rocks off.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf