Kyra Chigetsu

Race: Human from Kozakura (Half blood Hengeyokai)
Skin Tone: Asian
Build: Agile
Height: 185 cm (6'1'')
Weight: 80kg (176 lbs)
Eyes: Vibrant Violet
Hairstyle: Amber/Auburn hair usually tied in a stylish ponytail. One may notice there are golden and darkish shades mixed in.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Known languages: Common, Hengeyokai, Han , Wa-an, Kozakuran, Kao te Shou (High Shou), Koryo, Draconic.
Accent: No particular accent can be discerned

Physical tone: Kyra is clearly combat trained. His muscles are well toned and proportioned, his movements well calculated and precise, giving him unearthly grace and agility.

Equipment: The Kozakuran is often seen sporting elegant light clothing of Kara-turan origin, whenever possible. At his side a set of bags and a pair of trusty well maintained blades.

Accessories: No particular accessories would be spotted on his person, aside of an adamantine plated cover piercing with two gems and two sockets on his left ear. At a closer look, it would seem the piercing has been enchanted to provide a number of minor beneficial effects to the wearer.

Demeanor: While a very reserved man, Kyra is someone that tries his best to keep polite and respectful manners with others, especially upon meeting them for the first time, as demanded by his place of origin's culture. He is not a "party beast", nor a guy that would try to steal people's attentions, if not in a situation of real necessity. More content to listen to an ongoing topic rather than lead it. But do not be mistaken, Kyra is smarter and more cunning than what his look allows to be perceived about him.

Partner/Relationship: Married to Lily Belle Chigetsu.

Extra & Rumors:
-He offered mercenary services for a time prior reaching Sinfar's isles.
-Captain and Co-owner of the Eastern Rose Company and Ship.
-Usually presents himself, and with his beloved Lily Belle, as a merchant.

ERP: The character's direction is set on its tracks being faithful and loyal to his partner and wife Lily Belle.
Note: Please, do not expect nor be disappointed if your attempt at seducing him leads nowhere or has consequences to it.

OOC: The player is extremely friendly OOCly wise and welcomes PMs/Tells even if they are meant for random chatting.
Player:Negative Moon
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human