
Portrait Save
"I'm not that sort of fairy!"

   This fragile looking being appears to be an elf at first glance. Some might even believe she's touched with Drow blood and her eagerly bloodthirsty outlook on life probably fits into the Illithyri lifestyle perfectly.  

   Yet her dusky grey skin catches an almost moonlit shimmer when she's seen in the shade,  and her golden eyes glitter like cat's eyes even in near darkness.  Her petite form still holds temptingly obvious feminine curves, her flesh soft and inviting in a perfectly proportionate hourglass for her height that she often accentuates with a tight patent leather corset and revealing necklines or glimpses of bare thigh.

    The mystery then is why is she so small?  Taller than a gnome or a hin, certainly,  shorter than most elves and often displaying odd quirks that none of those races would be caught dead doing in public, if ever.  

   She possesses a sharp intellect yet  very little wisdom, curiosity and blunt observations getting her into trouble with those around her more often than not.  It doesn't slow her down though and she's getting braver in the cities of Sinfar regardless.

   Still,  while there is nothing about her looks or attitude that suggests she is all that young,  instead there is a wild, almost primal innocence about her.  Her emotions are passionately reflected in her face and body language, easily inspired and rarely truly stifled.  The only time she seems to settle is when she is afraid- and then she becomes a spiritless husk of her former self, quiet, still and resigned.

 If she's wearing clothing that exposes her upper back,  there are old, pale but jagged scars marking her shoulderblades in vertical lines.  The roughness suggests the injury was painful at the time it happened.


Sorcerers / wizards  roll d20 ,  dc 13.
Drow +3.
-Truesight won't reveal anything,  she's exactly what she looks like for good or for ill,  there are no illusions.


-No ERP with herms/shemales/traps and the like.  Standard RP is fine.
-No freakishly huge cocks.  There's painful and then there's ridiculously destructive.
-No scat, golden showers, vore, gore, or age play.
- No rape, mostly because she would become fully unresponsive, barely little more than a mindless doll.  That pretty much turns into just a show for the rapist since it's boring to scene for me.

-Females in ERP.  This should be orange,  as it would be incredibly rare.
-Capture.  She'd be more clever purse-pet than mindless cocksock anyway.

-Males, any race but keep in mind the freakish cock thing up in Reds.
-Foreplay. This doesn't mean golf.
-Mild bondage, restraining

 If in doubt,  take the hint from IC actions.   This character will say and do and act in her own self-preserving interests.  If really in doubt,  send a tell but keep that to a minimum please.

Non-light things but great ways for someone to catch her attention:
-Kindness, even if used for nefarious reasons.  (Catch more flies with honey than vinegar and all that)
-Flexible morality (Evil is FUN!)
-Soft spot for her (she's a trifle vain,  but that's a racial quality ;) )
-Shiny things.  ALL THE SHINIES!
- Intelligence
- wit that goes beyond fuck jokes
- good humor
- Shinies.  Treasures. Trinkets.
- Non-sexual cuddles from anyone.  Seriously,  platonic snuggles are the best!
- Did I mention shinies?

She will react and reflect what she gets.   If someone is kind to her,  she'll be sweet to them.   If someone is a brutish jerk,  she'll probably ignore them or plot to shoot them with an acid arrow if they don't take the hint.


Thoughts of a roleplayer.

You know what would be super awesome for RP? Girlfriends.  Not in the lesbian or sexy pillow fight way,  but actual, bona fide,  "Me and my girls"  female friends.  Without the backstabbing, competitive, pettily jealous,  judgmental bitchy one-upmanship of each other crap.  No sex,  no sexual tension,  just... girlfriends.   Guy friends too! I mean,  it doesn't ALL have to end in sex, right?  

 A girl can dream.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf