Rena Maloth

Race: Kru'zha.
Gender: Female
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 312 Lbs

Quick Notes.
*Is always wearing a wedding band on her finger- yet still dresses promiscuously*
*She is not scaled, she has a fleshy hide.
*There is no bulge between her legs.
*Black tongue, Nipples, Vagina.
*Has Vuluptious build
*Blue Slitted Eyes.
*She has rounded teeth and pointed canines.
*Her teeth are NOT sharp.
*Long Slender Serpentine Tongue

Before you stands a tall, Curvey figure, reaching just about seven feet tall. Her muscular body is fairly slim in appearance and covered a hide that could easily be described as 'moontouched' in colour, her flesh flawless without a single imperfection visible

Horns: Arcing out from behind and a bit above her eye-ridges are a pair of long horns, just under a foot each in length, they arc back and up slightly, behind her horns rest long ears that seem quite expressive.

Mane:Her mane is roughly shoulder length and straight, She keeps it well groomed most of the time

Eyes: As you watch her, staring back at you are deep Saphire pools, broken by black pupils, slitted in the style typical to Reptilian beings.

Facial Details: She has a somewhat medium length snout with rounded tip which makes up much of her face, When she opens her maw, one might notice a long, forked tongue, nearly a foot in length when fully extended from her mouth.

Neck: She bears a slender, slightly muscular neck.

Chest: Her heavy chest is well toned, Although they bear a noticeable cleft down the center. The form of her moderate (for her size), D-cup bust is very much apparent. These soft mounds bore black, more often then not, firm nipples.

Arms: Her arms are long and well-toned, her considerable musculature easily visible beneath the smooth he firm hide. It was of note that she only had three fingers and a thumb each ending in a small, obsidian claw. These digits were somewhat thicker than those that may be found on a similarly sized being's hands. upon her middle finger almost always rests a ring, presumable a wedding ring of some des

Back: Her rounded, plump rump is defined by wide, child baring hips. This shapely and firm set of buttocks practically ripples with the fat needed to hold up her tall, lithe form

Tail: Often curled about her form or held partially aloft to prevent it from dragging along the ground, this flowing out of her body and between her shapely posterior was her long, lithe tail. Roughly four and a half feet in length. her tail seemed lively in its movements

Groin: If one were to examine her there, they'd find a smooth mound with plump black lips resting at the parting.

Legs: Extending down from her firm, child-bearing hips were a set of thickly muscles, powerful and graceful legs, rippling with the muscle needed to easily support her shapely frame, Digitigrade in form. Along her shin and the outer edge of her foot, including her three, sizeable talon-bearing toes

OOC Information
I like to hold myself firm to RP integrity, which means I am not my character and she is not me please do not mistake our actions for one and the same

I prefer not to 'set up' roleplay through OOC myself, and I typically don't have OOC 'walls'. I'm hardly on Sinfar for its story driven Roleplay though. I'd welcome some if it came along but I bring my lewder-minded characters here for a reason.

I'm not gonna put up greens, whites and yellows because I don't want people tailoring their RP to meet them, Far more into the context of the situation then individual kinks.

But what I avoid, and often my character might avoid Include;


(character would avoid much more but Player I'm open to just about everything else)

Oh as for ninja-loggers. If you have Stuff to do RL. RL comes first. I don't mind nor-care if you have to leave, I even don't care if you pretty much jacked off and want to go. Just say something and everything's cool.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human