Loretta Kettlepott

Portrait Save
Race: Human
Age: 18
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 83 lbs
Hair Colour: Orange/Copper
Skin Colour: Somewhat pallid from lack of sunlight

[Lights at the bottom]
Skinny is the best way to describe Loretta. Without much meat on her, save for what's gathered around her bottom largely due to spending more time cooped up than moving around or eating, she still manages to look cute. Or she would, were she not buried beneath a mountain of robes and an oversized scarf that she wraps about herself into a makeshift hood. Her ginger is usually ill-groomed as if she had just woken up, and her bangs are blunt, suggesting that she cut them herself. Her eyes are brown, and she wears thick-rimmed glasses to help her see. Her ears are also a factor of notice, at least when she takes her hood off. Wearing some kind of gnomish contraption on each ear that protects her ears from the loud explosions her experiments cause, as well as deafen the sound of others around her so that she might study in peace and quiet.

"What a strange girl."

Loretta would be accustomed to hearing people say these things about her if she wasn't so wholly invested in other things that she tuned out the outside world entirely. Having, from a young age, had the habit of becoming obsessively fixated on the things that interested her to the point of ignoring her surroundings, it was hardly a surprise that she would one day develop an interest in magic.

Having a sharp mind, but lacking in much self-awareness, Loretta is a textbook example of a bookworm and an absent-minded wizard. Being more interested in books than people, in research than socializing.. and generally only ever interacting with others if it furthers her own studies, the only time that Loretta ever leaves the comfort of her room is in the event that she needs something, or has accidentally caused a fire, or explosion, or accidentally teleported herself somewhere else entirely.

[What She's Good At]
Despite having all the self-awareness of a mushroom and the flighty attention span of a moth, Loretta is quite bright and talented. Enough so that she is able to build any number of strange and mysterious devices and brew unique potions. This strangeness and uniqueness, however, is a double-edged blade as it is largely the result of her absentmindedness married to her eccentic wit and creative approach to magecraft. As a result her creations often come with strange drawbacks, or very specific applications, such as a magical speaker that makes whatever the person says sound highly convincing, or a love potion that narrows the affectionate fixation down to a single object, be it a person's hair, eyes, an apple, or even a shoe.
(Tell-friendly, open to plotting and scheming.)
:The General Premises Behind ERP:
High preference for dialogue-based approaches. Not a fan of the dark themes such as fear, pain and self-loathing, or the 'snatched off the streets and raped' approaches that result in those themes. Rather more fond of either humorous or nefarious trickery such as playing bait-and-switch with spells and magical items, or duping her into somehow bamboozling herself, in the event that the male character isn't magically adept.

::Has Specific Anosmia for anything remotely related to stink, scent, or musk-oriented roleplay::

Hypnosis, mind control, trickery/deception, exploitation of naivety/gullibility, mild physical alteration (mainly physical proportions), gangbangs, imperfect men, sleazy men, old men, heavy/overweight men, monstrous men (preference to goblinoids, orcs, ogres, trolls, minotaurs, etc), the lower classes (dockhands, thugs, peasants, vagrants, beggars, etc), big loads. *Implied* pregnancy.

Toilet-play, filth, outright rape, blood/pain, pregnancy, slavery, transformation into animal/anthro/inflation/etc, permanent alteration or damage, 'super handsome'/Adonis type male characters, futas, herms, females, twinks, shemales, femboys, etc.

Also not into totally dumb/braindead or bestial-intelligence male characters unless something is discussed first in Tells to see if some form of idea can be achieved.
Player:Pinkie's Welcome Song
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf