Cassidy Brightsmiles

Portrait Save
[Last Update: 11/10/2020 (!)]
(Portrait is the most accurate depiction of her appearance, as I couldn't find a hair model that I liked)

"Hello there! 'Tis very nice to meetcha, sire."

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: Eighteen summers
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 90 lbs
Hair: Ginger
Eyes: Blue-green
Skin: Slightly sunkissed, freckled
Build: Skinny, lithe, nimble, agile
Occupation: Sailor('s daughter)
Alignment: Neutral Good

::Profile Structure::
~ Bad Influences
- Appearance
- Personality
- Background
- Theme ('The Magic Diary')
- Roleplay Preferences
- Lights  (!)

~:Bad Influences:~
(A temporary-to-permanent changelog of things that have been done through either roleplay or the manipulation of her diary)
- No Current Changes

Cassidy is best described as tomboyish in every meaning of the word. She lacks the immediately noticeable curves that other women have, sporting a perky but small bust matched with a similarly small, but pert waistline and bottom. Her lithe arms and legs better suited to running and climbing than heavy lifting or cumbersome tasks, the young woman's figure added onto her relatively short height might give one the impression that a single, strong gust of wind might very well carry her away.

Befitting her figure, her freckled skin is sunkissed in places, showing her preference for the outdoors. Rosy cheeks and a cute nose complimenting her dimpled, ever-cheerful and smiling face, from which twinkling, blue-green eyes look out at the world with excitement (and a visible degree of innocence). Framing her features are wavy, short locks of ginger hair, swept about by the wind.

In regards to attire, she favours the traditional clothing of the sailor, a shirt, leather vest and pants with boots.

Befitting to her surname, Cassidy is all smiles and brightness. Having from a young age dreamed of exploring the world, seeing new places and experiencing new things, the fact that she is now making that dream a reality has only enhanced her giddy, excitable and adventurous attitude. Being inexperienced in the way of the world, Cassidy has no idea as to the darker side of reality, nor of who to trust thanks to having been raised in a relatively humble, sheltered village by the sea. As a result she does not hold the many biases that others might have when it comes to interacting with people.

In fact, the sole bias she has is towards those who seem more familiar, seeing them as kindred spirits out exploring the wide world: the rustic, the homely, and those who resemble fishermen, farmers and sailors, drunk and otherwise - having especially enjoyed growing up on the tall tales of drunkards at the local tavern.

Cassidy Brightsmiles is the daughter of a humble sailor and his wife, born and raised in a meager, nondescript village tucked away from the wider world at large. All her life, she dreamed of leaving her hometown and seeking the wider world, begging her father to take her with him on his travels out to sea, though always being told the sea was too perilous for a young girl, and that she ought to find herself a strapping, young man instead.

Never one to abide by such a dull future, Cassidy instead often shirked her duties at home to explore the countryside and beaches around her village. It was on said beach, on the eve before her eighteenth birthday, that Cassidy made a fateful encounter, happening upon a strange, old woman trapped beneath an overturned, decaying boat. Being the kindly soul that she was, the young villager did not hesitate to come to the old woman's aid, overturning the boat to reveal a strange, tattooed gypsy of a crone.

"My thanks to you, child," said the crone, "for your kindness, allow me to repay you with this gift."

This gift, a mysterious journal bound in blue leather and brass, would change Cassidy's life forever. With it, she would finally be able to convince her father to take her with him out to sea.. where she was now a member of the crew of the Merrow's Lark, learning the ropes, and sailing port to port.

'The Magic Diary'
Cassidy's journal is special, as one would expect of a gypsy's gift. On the first page, upon opening, there is a simple, humble page that states: 'This journal is the property of:' with the name 'Cassidy Brightsmiles' written in delicate cursive. This simple act of claiming ownership is from where the journal takes its power.

The journal is, in reality, an enchanted artefact capable of affecting the wider world around it in strange and subtle ways. Rather than write the events of the past in it, one writes the events one wishes to see come to pass in the journal, on the established date. This act of writing exerts a mysterious power over the world and those within it, making causality bend to allow for the journal's entry to become reality. In essence: whatever was written will come to pass, in one way or another, even if it has to create a string of cause and effect to make it happen. What's more, those affected by the journal are completely unaware of its power over them, as only the one who writes in the journal is generally aware of why events are playing out as they are.

This mysterious journal does have a drawback, however, though it is one that Cassidy herself is not aware of: the journal does not discriminate between writers. That is to say that as the owner, whose name is written in the journal, Cassidy is the 'I' which is spoken of when writing entries. However, Cassidy need not be the one writing 'I' in the journal for it to affect her or her life. Furthermore, it is entirely possible to rewrite or write over entries that have yet to pass. As one might expect from such a dire counterbalance, it would do the girl well to keep her journal safe and out of prying hands.

::Roleplay Preferences::
High preference for dialogue-based approaches. Not a fan of the dark themes such as fear, pain and self-loathing, or the 'snatched off the streets and raped' approaches that result in those themes. Rather more fond of either humorous or nefarious trickery such as playing bait-and-switch with spells and magical items, or duping her into somehow bamboozling herself, in the event that the male character isn't magically adept.

Similarly very open to the premise of her being taken under someone's wing and taken down a different path in life alongside the lewdness. Would she make a good crewmate on a pirate ship? Or a waitress in some seedy bar? Or the fresh-faced new employee of a brothel? Who can say. High preference for whoever is doing so to be a ruddy, rotten bastard of a fellow, however.

Obviously, no less, if someone were to get their hands on her journal, they'd also be able to mess with her in an even more extensive manner, compromising both common sense and decision-making.

The Magic Diary. Hypnosis, mind control, trickery/deception, exploitation of naivety/gullibility, mild physical alteration (mainly physical proportions), gangbangs, imperfect men, sleazy men, old men, heavy/overweight men, monstrous men (preference to goblinoids, orcs, ogres, trolls, minotaurs, etc), the lower classes (dockhands, thugs, peasants, vagrants, beggars, etc), sailors/pirates, big loads. *Implied* pregnancy. Gypsies/crones/hags/witches with curses and trickery.**

Toilet-play, filth, outright rape, blood/pain, pregnancy, slavery, transformation into animal/anthro/inflation/etc, permanent alteration or damage, 'super handsome'/Adonis type male characters, futas, herms, females**, twinks, shemales, femboys, etc.

(!) **(Pretty much open to interacting with female characters, though never for ERP but for the purpose of Cassidy being tricked and manipulated into illicit acts with men, or them swiping Cassidy's diary.)

Don't walk up to me and whip your dick out expecting something to happen, either. All that will achieve is freaking her out and making her run away, and subsequently make her less trusting in the long run. Also not into totally dumb/braindead or bestial-intelligence male characters unless something is discussed first in Tells to see if some form of idea can be achieved.
Player:Pinkie's Welcome Song
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human