Klaus Nilson

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 210 lbs
Built: some muscle mass, but more cut than      muscle mass.
Skin tone: light to medium tan

Physical Description: The man who stands before you seems to be around 6' tall. He is a larger than averagely built, not a whole lot of muscle mass, but more than the average individual, but the muscles that he does have are pretty cut. from what is not covered by clothing, you can tell that he has a scar on his right forearm that runs from the top of his wrist to about midway up his forearm. He has short, coarse, dark body hair on his arms and legs that isn't all that dense, which you assume covers his whole body.

Facial Description: His general overall looks of his face are above average. His jaw is pretty cut and defined. His hair is short and ragged, almost looks as if he is starting to part a little on the top, making his widow's peak more pronounced. The length of his hair is short, but not even, making one to wonder if he gives himself a haircut. His facial hair forms into the general shape of a five o'clock shadow, with hair on his cheeks, a little on his neck, and running from his cheeks to a full goatee, and seems short and a little ragged, again as if he shaves/trims himself with his own hunting knife. you can see a scar that starts at the middle of his right eyebrow and runs vertically down his face and stops right around the top of his cheekbone. you can just barely make out another scar on his chin that runs vertically down the middle of it that runs from the top to the bottom of his chin.

Facial demeanor: He generally has a rather emotionless face, as if he doesn't care about a whole lot(if his appearance didnt give some hints about this) but to the keen eye, his face looks as if he has been through a lot, with signs of this showing with the aging on his face that is more than someone of his age should have.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human