Rolfando Burymeat

[Character themed around trickery, deception, moral and mental corruption or degeneration, and body/form alteration, as well as other outlandish debauchery and bimbofication-styled scenarios. Tell-friendly, mostly interested in the more 'innocent' archetypes over the promiscuous.]

Before you stands a gnome of particular note. Not because he was ruggedly handsome or strapped with muscles, or even tall and towering, like all the other men around him. Rather, he stood out precisely because of how utterly common and underwhelming his physical appearance would be. Pot-bellied, hairy, and sporting a bit-too-bushy of a moustache, this gnome had no business walking with the air of confidence that he did. And yet he did just that. In fact, despite his physical detriments, the confident charisma that he exerted was almost noteworthy. Those with an eye for magic would note that some strange power eminated from the belt worn around his girthy waist.

The only thing more perplexing than that contradiction, however, was the strange device he carried with him. Normally worn on top of his head, though sometimes carried in his travel back, a strange helmet of reels and cogs conjoined into two binoculars in front, wires leading from the lenses and to some manner of crystal.

[Burymeat Studios]
The device that Rolfando carries around with him his a Recordorator, a gnomish device that captures whatever the binoculars see and transposes it upon the crystal connected to the helmet. These crystals can then replay any such recorded event back by projecting it like an illusion. With this, Rolfando runs his questionable business of recording lurid acts and deeds, sometimes staged, other times in the spur of the moment.

Though he often stars in his own productions, Rolfando is not above delegating when necessary, or when it serves the purpose of a scripted scenario more. Hiring monstrous humanoids, vagabonds, lurid old wizards and more to serve as counterparts to the beauties that the studio records, Rolfando fancies himself an artisté, and therefore has few qualms partnering beauty and beast for his work.

Most commonly, Rolfando tries to seek out those who aren't what one would commonly expect to see in his type of productions. The excessively flirtatious and promiscuous make for less interesting material than those who are fresh-faced and do not spring their legs apart at a moment's notice. As such he usually tends to seek out those who are either innocent, or outright prudish in nature, or somewhere in between, knowing that they will make for far more interesting subjects, especially when subjected to the power of his Belt.

**In essence, looking for either wholly innocent or normally disinterested/stuck-up types of ladies who might be interested in what Rolfando and his studio has to offer, whether they know it or not.**

[Belt of the Pornstar]
The result of some bizarre quackery of a mage having too much time on his hands, the ridiculous Belt of the Pornstar has the unique effect of rendering the wearer with a series of special traits and features. Primarily, and most noteworthy, is the enhancement of the male wearer's genitalia, whereas a female wearer will find her bust and hips greatly exaggerated. In both occasions, the sexual capacity of the wearer is greatly enhanced, with the male being capable of producing ludicrous amounts of seed upon climax.

The secondary effects, however, are nothing to scoff at either. True to its name, the belt works a strange and unnatural charisma effect on those the wearer seeks to influence, compromising common sense and mental faculties to make them more pliable and agreeable to deviant and erotic situations. This power only manifests, however, if the wearer whips out his cock (or breasts, if female) and gives it a taunting wag in front of the intended subject.

This effect is not all-powerful, however. Depending on the strength of will, or power, of the intended target, they may be able to resist. In other cases their personality is largely retained, though they instead treat the deviant act with a dismissive regard, convincing themselves that they are merely playing along. In the case of the particularly weak-willed, however, there is a deplorable risk of their cognition being influenced to the point of transforming them into a lewd, erotic parody of their original personality and identity.

At its core, the belt does just what it says, turning every instance where its power is invoked into the tawdry, logically-impaired scenario from a pornographic work of fiction.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Gnome