Rain Death'Kyss

One of Identical Twins born to Jennive Deathkiss and Izzara on Kissmet.
Goes by Rain.
-OOC she is playedas a psionisist, a very powerful one. If you do not wish to comply with RP around mental capabilities, let me know in a tell. Otherwise i'm going to assume fair game.
The abilities are more for RP flavor, than they are for anykinds of attacks, or control, or anything that'd effect others... it's always been Rain's "perk" , though here lacks the PRC to accompany the class use.

- Race - Mixed, half drow, half Succubis.  
- Gender- Fully Female.
-H- 5'10"
-W- 140
-Eyes-  Dark Violet
-Hair- Shiny Raven Black
-Orientation- Lesbian.

Rain ( and " Stormy") both, are quite the beautiful young ladies. Seemingly perfect blends of thier two mothers, and this applies beyond the mere physical.
Both have pale skin for those with drow in thier race that runs strongly.  This is from the facts Izzy is caucasian , and Jennive was part succubi/incubi that had also paled her skin tone.

Both twins do indeed have the deadly capabilities of leeching a soul from a body of those they might sleep with, however they seem not to have the incubi abilities, so are only deadly to males in this way.
( This is not an invitation to "try". It's more an explination "why" both twins are primarily lesbian. )

Both Twins are very smart, and have been considered as "super-geniuses".

Body wise, what you see is basically what you get. , Dark hair, sultry "thick" thighs, wider hips, large chest, soft skin over just barely athletic muscle structures. Both Twins have a Violet colored irises.

Green- RP, RP, RP ... Females. If not listed, ask.  Twins do engage in sex with each other, along with other partners at times. ( Yes, i know bit incestual, but there is real IG reasons for such if it's bothered to RP to find out. )  

Yellow/Amber - Any forms of PvP , especially in regards to challenging the sexual natures, ability to drain soul, or combative in mental abilties.  I won't "powergame", I expect the same out of others.
Lots of thing mood dependant, ask if unure.

Reds - No goes. Anything against server rules, pregnancy play, excessive and absurd sizes , body morphing, mind control, Male toons or any that have "balls". Ask first via tell, if not listed above.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf