Dietrich von Sturn

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Name: Dietrich von Sturn
Race: Cloned Wolfman
Gender: Male
Alignment: >Evil
Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: This Wolf like humanoid stands at 6 feet, 6 inches. Board shouldered and muscular.  Covered in charcoal black fur only disrupted by crimson red eyes and markings that seem to glow demonically. If found naked he appears to have a six pack muscular figure. On his forearms are odd runes that seem to Draconic gibberish at first read but those who know Demonic. it's a demonic parody of an oath deliberately made to be illogically madness, These runes are a demonic forever moving reds. At his pelvis is a respectably sized length and girth penis. The shaft of which is like black leather skin ending in a bell shaped tip. link to it is black furred balls and pelvis save for a half ring of red public hair. His butt is a toned roundish shape expected for a male who lives a fit life style. (OOC note: For those that met my other toon " Wolfgang von Sturn ". He looks just like him save his fur/eyes/markings is black and red)

Backstory: This Black Knight is a demonically created clone of the spellblade knight Wolfgang von Sturn. Created by a cable now dead cultists. Made from dark alchemy and dark pacts with evil outsiders. He created to kill his prime self and bring about the ruin of his reputation. Sadly the clone wanted more then that. In between his prime self's assault and the clone's betrayal. the Cult was destroyed and Dietrich as the clone calls himself seeks only one thing. "To do what ever the fuck he wants to!" as he would put. Drawn by demonic whispers. he has come to Sinfar to improve his skill and unlock his dark powers while enjoying himself along the way. and if he will clash with his prime self? All the more fun for Dietrich.


(Greens) Is ok with ERPs. it's green unless stated below in other lights. If it crosses into my other lights and i didn't think to put it there. i'll pm and let you know. otherwise it's all good in green.

(Yellows) "Aka Odds are not unless i feel like i give a one time permission to do so. Please ask for permission." // Temp // Enslavement, Pet/Master status, Mind Control, Being left helpless. Rape or Being raped is a "Please ask" thing.I try to make him a Dom is less likely of the being raped part.

(Reds) "Aka No, Never! Don't try please" //Perm// Enslavement, Pet (Maybe Master but i'm kind of lazy), Mindcontrol/ taking away free will. Scat, Piss, Spit, Vomit, Feet in mouth, Dirt or none food eatting, Child/Childlike "Loli", Parma transformations, Scars, Wounds/Gore, Disfirgurment, Disenblowling, Dismemberment or Death of my toon.

Final notes on lights: All races are ok, maybe picky on human/dwarf males. Small races are ok but they have to be Mature and be adults. If ever wondering about something please pm to ask. Last note is i did want to make a "Evil Twin" to my main toon. an excuse to reuse my main's body and have a Blackguard toon. :D
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human