Kayleb Hangaleather

Portrait Save
25/10/2020 -- Update
Name: Kayleb Hangaleahter
Race: 1/2 Strongheart Halfling, 1/2 Ookami
Lineage: RP to find out!
Gender: Male
Height: 4'8"
Hair: Dark Ash Brown
Eyes: Blue
Build: Moderate but lean musculature

General Information on first glance:

((Yes, he shares many familiar appearances to a local halfling that people may know. RP that as you will. ))

     At first glance he does not seem to give off any groundbreaking aura or devastating beauty. He wears light clothing exposing most of his torso seemingly quite used to Sinfar's natural weather be it rain or shine. Kayleb carried himself with confidence and with a confident yet amused look at most times, it was clear he had a high opinion of himself. On his neck, arm, right bicep and both hands would be Henna like markings maintained by magic so they did not scrub away or fade.

     The markings on his hands circled the base of both fingers before a line was drawn all the way to the well maintained claw like nails. Maintained meticulously it would appear he did not wish for them to grow unwieldly or to bulky keeper them filed short with blunted tips not overly sharp but still capable of doing damage if needed. On his right bicep he would have clean rune like depictions that wrapped around bordered by two clean wrapping lines framing the runic designs. Finally upon his neck would be what appeared to be a depiction of a light burst, flower petal like blood emerging from a central void in the middle of his neck resting just above his collar bone.

His Demeanor:

   He seems very relaxed and easy going with a rather unique sense of himself, confident in his position and power. His relaxed demeanor faded quickly when others seemed to offend him however possesing a hot blooded temper that the confident youth would often give into when pressed.

Racial Traits:

   Displaying traits from both sides of his lineage he is both slightly shorter than average and endowed with wolf ears. He is able to change his appearance slightly though they appear to mostly be cosmetic in nature unable to truly change his form in any major way. When looked at with true sight behind him a light dark aura would permeate his surroundings following after him like a shadow as well as display a single long dark brown tail.

-------------The Sex Line--------------

Sexuality: To be explored but leans straight by nature
Dom/Sub: To be explored but leans dominant by nature

  He does not seem to show any preference for sexual activity as of yet, recently released to the city he does seem to exploring all his options for better or worse.

The list:

Yes - RP, Pre and Post RP for ERP, roughness, dom role, objectification, roughness/force, humiliation, teasing, more teasing, stealth characters doing stealthy things with bad intentions, teasing...

No - Rape/Dub-con the RP makes me as a player uncomfortable without VERY specific circumstances, Base server rules, Scat, watersports

OOC stuff:
 Tell and walk up friendly on most all occasions that I am in game. I am an active believer in actions and consequences and follow through roleplay with both mechanical means and on rare trusted occasions dice.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human