Schendala Snowstride

Portrait Save
Race: Ice Genasi
Sex: Female
Age: Unknown, appears to be early twenties.
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 133lbs
Skin: Icy white-blue
Hair: Icy white-blue
Build: Curvaceous

::Profile Layout::
- About Ice Genasi
- Appearance
- Personality
- History
- RP & Lights

(About Ice Genasi)
The crisp, refreshing chill of a mountain stream fed by melted snow; the biting cold of a deep blizzard. These are at the heart of Ice Genasi.

The common joke is that Ice Genasi must be emotionless since they're so cold-hearted, but the truth is that Ice Genasi are among the most passionate of all Genasi (Para-, Quasi-, or otherwise). Like all Para- and Quasi-Genasi, the Children of the Glacier are intensely curious about the rest of the Multiverse, but the curiosity of Ice Genasi takes on a passionate (some berks say "desperate") edge.

Common chant says that life on the Para-Elemental Plane of Ice doesn't swing much through any particular emotional extreme, since the natives there do tend to be a touch on the dispassionate side. So when the Ice Genasi venture out into the big, wide Multiverse, it seems they want to make up for lost time and lost experiences. (As such, most Ice Genasi gravitate naturally to the Society of Sensation, which shares a similar philosophy.)

In appearance, all Ice Genasi tend towards sharp, angular features. Additionally, they have one or more of the following traits:

-    white or bluish-white hair and/or skin
-    extremely cold flesh
-    a thin layer of frost in their hair
-    the faint sound of a snowstorm in their voice

Due to their extremely curious and outgoing natures, Ice Genasi receive a +1 bonus to both Intelligence and Charisma. Since their curiosity often gets the better of them, they suffer a -1 penalty to Wisdom. Additionally, their health often seems as brittle as a snowflake, so they suffer a -1 penalty to Constitution.

Ice Genasi are completely immune to the effects of non-magical cold, and can move across slick, icy surfaces at their normal movement rate without fear of falling or slipping. As such, Ice Genasi are often hired by important primes to explore the arctic areas of various prime worlds. They are affected normally by magical cold attacks (such as the breath of a white dragon), but they gain a +1 to their saving throws against all ice- or cold-based magic every 5 levels.


Schendala is a bonafide beauty. Her skin, cool to the touch as it is, is pristine and white with the slightest hints of blue, while strange patterns dance delicately across her face, torso and pelvic region, formed naturally from whatever planar influences course through her veins. Her face is framed by long, flowing, snowy white hair that is perpetually covered in a layer of frost. Her lips are full, her frosted eyes in a perpetual state of half-lidded expression, are framed behind a pair of glasses, as she gives off an almost tired and listless appearance, or perhaps demureness. In terms of physicality, however, her bust is generous enough to strain most clothing she wears, resulting in her often favouring loose-fitting robes for the sake of comfort.

Schendala is a bit of a contradictory sort, though that is often to be expected from the strange product of the planes. While on the surface she seems very cool, calm and collected, often coming across as stoic, demure or disinterested, beneath that surface lies a passionate soul, thirsty for knowledge and understanding. As a result it isn't uncommon for Schendala to suffer from immense tunnel vision when she becomes fixated on a topic or a subject of scrutiny, often ignoring the entire world at large, or social graces, due to her thoughts being wholly occupied by the object of her interest. When engaging with others, she is polite and well-spoken, showing a clearly educated and refined personality.. at least up until her fixative behaviour is triggered, upon which she becomes all-too obsessed with her research or studies to remember to be polite.

Having grown up in a monastery of aeromancers and aquamancers in the Para-Elemental Plane of Ice, Schendala's life was a rather sheltered one that revolved purely around the study and research of magic and its secrets. A highly receptive and studious young woman such as herself, however, could not be long contained within the walls of the monastery, and before long she set foot out into the wider planes. Still a little inexperienced, though brimming with the need to know and learn and see all there was to see, it was and still is fairly common for Schendala to amble right into trouble due to prioritizing her interests and desire to learn over common sense and safety, resulting in kind souls normally having to rescue or intervene on her behalf. Luckily, she has thusfar managed to evade the more insidious and lecherous of sorts. Though now that her travels bring her to this place, that may no longer remain the case..

[Tell-friendly for setting up ideas and scenarios]
[Overall ERP Interests]
When it comes to ERP scenarios I enjoy being tricked, duped, and conned by an unlikely or unexpected sort I particularly enjoy scenarios where magic gets employed against her, whether it's messing with her using spells, or tampering with enchanted items and the likes. Primarily comedic relief/light-hearted antics of that nature.

Cum on glasses. Oblivious sex (i.e. sexual harassment, molestation, etc, while otherwise preoccupied). Hypnosis, mind control, trickery/deception, exploitation of her naive/overconfident attitude, mild physical alteration (mainly physical proportions), temporary personality changes, gangbangs, imperfect men, sleazy men, old men, heavy/overweight men, monstrous men (goblinoids, orcs, ogres, trolls, etc), the lower classes (dockhands, thugs, peasants, vagrants, beggars, etc), big loads. *Implied* pregnancy.

Toilet-play, filth, outright rape, blood/pain, pregnancy, slavery, transformation into animal/anthro/inflation/etc, permanent alteration or damage, dark themes, fear/terror, 'super handsome'/Adonis type male characters, futas, herms, females, twinks, shemales, femboys, etc.

Don't walk up to me and whip your dick out expecting something to happen, either. All that will achieve is freaking her out and making her run away, and subsequently make her less trusting in the long run. Also not into totally dumb/braindead or bestial-intelligence male characters unless something is discussed first in Tells to see if some form of idea can be achieved.
Player:Pinkie's Welcome Song
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human