Ruby Coil

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The most practical way to describe Ruby was to call her a half-drow or as some people prefer, a Drowling. The most observant people would notice the corrupt state of her body, as it sprouted forth a vile abomination, pair of cat ears, and an even more vile sign of her heritage, a cattail. Being a half-drow with Halfling blood was the simplest of explanation as to why the girl was so short, borderline midget among tall folks. Yet the truth was far more complicated. Ruby was a chimera. In her veins was the blood that was a mixture of a few races, far too intertwined for any of them to really stand out and in return making it quite pretentious to even make any claims.

Ruby had a very androgynous beauty with the choice of her clothing often further covering the truth or being misleading to it. Her face was oval-shaped, often associated with elves while her eyes remained big, as would the eyes of a Hin. Her nose was small and as there was no lipstick to cover it up, her lips were thin. She kept her hair long and in a perpetual state of disorder. Artistic choice, nothing more and nothing less. White in color, her hair that is, although a few random streaks of hair would be painted red to fit her crimson eyes.

Her body was athletic, sporting some muscles and occasional scars hidden under her clothes. To truly experience anything feminine about her, one would have to see her completely naked. Not only because of how her body was but also due to what type of clothing she preferred to wear. Her body was bottom-heavy, which meant that she couldn't offer much of sight with her breasts alone, as she sported much more impressive hips. Although even those were just enough to distinguish her apart from a younger man.

Daughter of: Ice'Xune Malqualyn Coil and Serrina Coil

Granddaughter of: Ashberry and Sapphire Coil

red lights include:
Scat, Gore, Vore, Pain play, Oviposition, Insects, Undead (with tiny exceptions)

yellow lights include:
Permanent changes to Ruby, Permanent arrangements, Rape, Noncon or dubious-con, Slimes, Tentacles, Vampires, Ghosts, Anal, Manhandling, Extreme BDSM or S/M, Bestiality (Actual animals, beasts are not included in this. Ask if you're confused). Submissive males/herms/shemales, Impossible penetrations, watersport

green lights include:
All races not mentioned in yellow or red, All genders unless mentioned above.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human