
Race: Dragonblooded of some sorts.
Height: 3'7"
Weight: Approximately 90 pounds.
Orientation: Doesn't seem that Longtail cares about much. Hard to tell through layers of meekness.
Scales: Pearly White
Tail: As per her name, Longtail has an expectionally long tail, nearly two thirds as long as her entire body (Roughly 2'7ish). It's more then likely sensitive.
Eyes: Bright Cyan
Accent/Speech: Well spoken, but more then likely twinged with a stutter. If flustered enough, you may even experience a hiss.
Voice: Not too high-pitched actually. A lower soprano of a smoother quality.
Scent: A curious mint?
Glasses: A set of rounded, barely scratched spectacles usually sits on her snout.

"I-I'll be honest. This isn't where I thought I'd get sent to in an emergency. I...w-wish I was here in better circumstance b-but. Out of all the places to be, wh-why'd it have to be here?" Brought to wherever she could go in a time of danger, Longtail left her world behind and through random chance. One can't deny that this place is a great area of knowledge both magical and mundane. However, the scaled-one isn't sure about the /physical/ knowledge offered on this plane of existance.

"I-I don't own much cl-clothing but what I'm wearing now feels m-more...magic l-like. I-I like it at least." The scaler is seen mostly covered in leather and cloth. Whether she has sensitive scales or another reason, most of her scales are covered in fabrics. The robes and hooded cloak she was outfitted with gave the appearance of a spellcaster, albeit a . . . somewhat shady one.

"St-Stop it." Longtail was intelligent, and enjoying using sarcasm, puns, humor, and the like. Not only this, but the lizard seemed okay with a good discussion every now and again. Despite this, Longtail seems...rather shy and timid when it comes to a lot of situations.

"A-And stop staring at me. G-Go to a bar if y-you want to be creepy." Her body, without glancing underneath layers of fabric, was slender and lacking in muscle. A minor level of fat adorning a graceful form.

"........." Without clothing, scales lay stretched over her body like a canvas, with several dark scale-patterns making a viewing experience mezmorizing. Exotically scaled, and of average fitness, the woman had average sized breasts for her size. As for her slit, it's obsidian flesh looked tight, verging on virginal.

"Why did my scales have to be wh-white?" Curiously enough, Longtail's scales appear to be pale enough for one to view when the scaler was embarassed; Blushing was constantly evident, as much as she'd like to avoid it.

You note that the scent of mint was actually the scent of Longtail's intimates; It just seemed to cover her entire being. While it is hardly noticeable with the cloth on, the smell is keen enough without her pants that even those with dull scent could pick up a hint. The scent seemed to increase the more arroused Longtail was.

----- L I G H T S -----
A Note Out Of Character Beforehand: I am interested in ERP, but first and foremost ---> RP FIRST

Greens: I am alright with quite a bit. Just to note because clarification: Light Bondage is okay.

Yellows: Rape. I may also ask that you keep in mind I may ping you about stuff if I'm uncomfortable.

Reds: Vore: High levels of Bondage, Gore, Toilet-Play, Water Sports, anything of permanency, the usual stuff, and honestly? Egg laying (I know I play a /reptillian/ character but I've found it RARELY does it for me.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human