Shinohara Kozue

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Race        Appears Human(is Yokai)
Gender      Appears Female(is Shemale)
Eyes        Red
Hair         Black
Height      186cm(6,1 ft.)
Build        Strong
Occupation   Ninja/Mercenary
Accent      Japanese
Disposition   Dominant/Switch

An asian looking warrior, who always carries a dignified pose, but something about her tells you, she is not entirely what she seems, and might carry more emotional scars than she shows.

Often clad in dark colored armor and a mask to obscure her appearance, this eastern warrior can certainly look intimidating and cold, though one can catch her with a slightly softer expression, though even when she smiles she might put some people at unease, as one could detect nefarious intentions underneath her grin. In more civil surroundings she would don finer fabrics such as a kimono or something akin to a ceremonial dress.

For most of her life she served as a mercenary in different warring factions of her homeland, only ever promised battle and "honor", as Yokai are tempting beings that could not be trusted with property or loved ones, often bringing ruin to relationships and ending up tempting both man and woman. Although they would never admit it, they desired her beautiful body and would fantasize about what she could do to them, which she would often sense and be tempted to act upon. Her kind were strong, but were kept few in numbers, as a result her mate would often end up getting slain, be they Yokai or human. Realizing her country and it's untrusting humans would never allow her to pursue anything besides violence, she left to find new desires and figure out what she wanted from life.

Being not your typical kunoichi at not a typical size, one might sense there is very little human about her. Her blood being that of a Yokai, gave her an unusually strong physical shape and those compelling, yet intimidating blood red eyes. Should one get in somewhat intimate surroundings, one might also notice an usual pheromonic scent, compelling most beings into an unguarded state, as their attraction toward her would slowly grow stronger, while deprived and lustful thoughts would start plaguing their thoughts. Shinohara would not be beyond using this peculiar trait in a confrontation and holding someone in a grappling hold until their will to fight would wane and ease them submission.

Although she was naturally dominant and liked to abuse her ability to make people, especially arrogant ones submit, she would also be curious to pursue the role of being a woman and being treated like one, her curvy, firm backside and breasts, being able to provide her with unexplored desires, possibly leading her to submit in the company of someone more dominant than her.

LIKES: Fighting, sparing, drinks, hot baths, meeting new people, humor and games.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human