
You stand before what might be the closest semblance to an embodiment of justice, an avatar. His shining mien radiates vigor and strength, but it's clear that he has some mortal heritage in his bloodline. True to his paragon image, this half- celestial's undaunting gaze threatens to split you apart; his hawk-like eyes size you up, judging you harshly but fairly. His features appear serious and unrelenting, and his posture is always steadfast, ready and willing, to heed duty's calls. His muscles seem to have been worked to the point of allowing for oak-like endurance and strength, without compromising over one's need for agility and finesse.

His metallic shell appears iconic, perhaps too typical of what people would have in mind of a high-ranking knight or a paladin. The full set of armor, golden in hue to complement his own, seems hardy and resilient, is able to easily fend off a blade or a bolt, and offers little in the way of openings. The metal from which it was forged is hard and seems to have been polished to flawlessness. The artisanship behind its making must have been incredible; The plated parts easily slide on one another to provide great mobility and allow its user, beneath layers of mail, of course, to maneuver their movements with ridiculous effortlessness in such ways that would seem comical otherwise. The gauntlets, pauldrons, leggings all converge into an ensemble befitting of a true champion of justice. But justice itself is cruel, merciless, and unwavering. His eyes, reflecting in the darkness of his hood, appear to provide for the sole intimidating quality that the armor otherwise lacks.


Whites: Conflict RP (Especially devils, demons and the undead). Roll fighting pvp with emotes - with the defeated being ravaged.

Greens: Noncon, romance, adventure

Reds: The usual
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human