Dawn Feathersky

Portrait Save
Race: Half-Celestial (elf-blooded)
Gender: Pure Female
Height: 5'3
Orientation: Switch

This charming young woman was born from a loving union of an elf and a heavenly angel of joy during a special holy festival. Having been raised away from the world of mortals until she was deemed an adult, she was recently dispatched to Sinfar to help spread a message of love, tolerance and respect as a Paladin. She seems to radiate positively and happiness from her very body as long as she herself is feeling positive and hopeful, though this effect fades when she becomes sad, afraid, hurt or otherwise in a negative emotional state.
Physically, she looks like a pretty young elf with lavender hair, brilliant white feathery wings and a curvy body to rival any sinful demoness. Her slender right eyebrow has a small piercing through which a pure gold ring is attached; her frame is otherwise unmarred at all by any markings, scars or other "imperfections"
Having been raised in an environment free from sin, she tends to be exceptionally cheerful, good-natured and eager to help anyone in need, while also being almost painfully naive, quick to judge perceived 'evil' and prone to acting without thinking things through. Whether she remains a beacon of hope in a land of sin, or a tragic warning to other angels waiting to happen...
---Traffic Stuff---
Red: Anything against server rules
Green: Anything else!
Player:Midnight Bliss
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf