Gydeon Cruentos

Portrait Save
RACE: Vampire


This handsome man appears to be in his late twenties. He is well-muscled, keeping himself in excellent shape. His skin is pale, but not in an unhealthy way. It simply appears as though he doesn't get a lot of sun.

His blond hair is long and reaches down to his shoulders. A light beard and mustache grace his jawline. He keeps himself well groomed. The aromatic aroma of spell components lingers about his body.

He dresses well. His armor is ornate, but equally functional. When out of his armor he tends to dress in more expensive clothing, unless engaged in some activity where such clothing isn't practical.

His red eyes are alert, taking in all that goes on around him. And while a friendly smile seems almost ever-present on his face, there is a predatory gleam in his eye.


REDS: Males, shemales, anything smaller than an elf, animal heads (don't mind ears or tails, just heads), vore/gore, scat, permadeath, godmoding, over-reliance on dice rolls (not here to play Yahtzee)

YELLOWS: Permanent mental alteration, permanent disfigurement.

GREENS: Bondage, non-con, kidnapping/enslaving women, magic, RP!!! (despite the greens, he's still fairly vanilla)

1. Gydeon ONLY kidnaps women whose players have expressed an OOC interest. Sorry if this breaks the flow of RP for you, but I've had a "bait and switch" issue in the past I care not to go through again. No interest in drama. If Gydeon tries to strike up a conversation with your toon and you have NOT expressed interest, then he is simply trying to strike up a conversation. No nefarious intent.

2. Where I live my net and power situation is somewhat sketchy. If I disappear mid-scene, give me a few moments to try and log back in. If I do not return it is a hard crash and I'm probably sitting in a darkened apartment IRL cursing at my computer. I do NOT "do" bored log outs.

3. I am tell friendly. Feel free to send a tell to ask questions, set up RP, or simply shoot the breeze while grinding for gold/XP.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human