Sililuuth Ternesj'jesk

Name: Silith Ternesj'jesk (Sili for short)
Height: 3'4", 3'7" with her horns
Weight: Roughly 70 pounds
Gender: Full Female
Eyes: One crimson and one scarred milky white
Voice: A light and smooth alto
Scales: Violet
Build: Muscled, but with a layer of 'padding'
Scent: Humorously smells of grapes


"Wasss out venturing onna sscoutin missssion when I got knocked cold! Na ssure what happened buuuuut I'm here now!" While not here on her own terms, Sili doesn't seem all that disturbed by the goings on around her.

"What? It'sss not usssually cold from where I wass from'n'it'sss comfortable. Even got my sssuppliess and trussty ssword too!" A smaller draconic being wore very little. A loincloth held up by her hips and chain. Otherwise her possessions were a sword that sat on her back and a sachel slung over the shoulder. Little of value save for the gold nosering.

"I'm gettin sstronger as time goess by! Miight need ta cut back on sssome sstuff though. Probably alcohol." Sili wasn't particularly graceful as her small size might suggest. In fact, at times she could be clumsy. She did possess a good amount of muscle (for standard terms anyways). It might take a good eye to see it however; The small lizard seems to enjoy a good meal every now and then, being padded somewhat.

"Oi! Sstop sstarin'n'playin with me an' actually get to it!" Some concepts of mating that other cultures and creatures have fluster the little draconian. Sili seems much more used to just getting to the main event. While enjoying to be submissive amount of the time, she will take a more dominant approach when she feels like it or when she feels it's required.

"...Sserioussly. Sst-top ssstaring." Sililuuth was curved everywhere, from powerful legs, to an amble and nippled chest. Beneath her slender tail and between her legs lay a warm slit, tight naturally slick, as if always ready. It only got wetter the more she was 'ready.'

The scent of grapes actually originated from her slight iteself, recognizable only by anyone with a great sense of smell. It only intensified the more she was arroused. Makes you wonder if she tastes the same she smells.


Greens: If it isn't underneath, then I'm probably okay with it! Just keep in mind that I might ping ya if not! Also to note, /LIGHT/ BDSM is okay.

Yellows: Rape and laying eggs. Ask me beforehand, or I'll ask you beforehand (though, Sili isn't one to intiate rape).

Reds: Gore, Vore, HIGH BDSM, Toilet Play, Anything of permanency without asking, and lack of roleplay.

My Favorite: ROLEPLAY. I know that this is a playground for sexual stuff, but it's also a roleplay server.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human