Era Nelden

Race : Elf
Gender / sex : Fully female
Age : 127 (young adult)
Height : 5'
Weight : 110 lbs
Sexuality : stright (not including mixed sexes)

(fresh off the boat)

While slim in build and frame, Era would match her clothes to her violet eyes and faintly expose her breasts through a thin cloth shirt. Clearly this young woman is used to using her body to get what she needs or wants, either that or someone has played a horrible prank upon her.

Belted at her waist a small bag would be her only visable possession, though given the rate at which she uses various items this bag is undoubtly magical in nature.

Those of a magical nature would be hard pressed to ignore the arcane coming from the slim elf, while not powerful she is very clearly a magical caster of some sort.


Of a OOC nature i'm open to a great number of things. I try to allow RP to carry on freely, if at any point things push too far I will OOCly inform you.

If you are still curious for my lights I might link a f-list to you, but i've yet to make one for this character... i've too many already.

Just know i'm not shy of dark, rough, dub-con and so on themes.
I do shy away from flith, orientation bending, illiterate players (players not characters) and so on.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf