
Name: Khrym
True Name: "Asss if I'd tell anyone."
Race: Fire-Based Demon
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 240 pounds
Scales: Pristine Crimson
Eyes: Bright Yellow
Tail: 3'1" long, non-prehensile but a displayer of emotions
Voice: Smooth Alto, interrupted by hissing
Scent: A somewhat spicy scent but hints of sweetness? Fruit perhaps?

"I wass sseeking an adventure. Torturing ssoulss iss fine get bored of it after a while. While there iss eck'ssitement here...I desspisse the rain and cold." From one of the hells, Khyrm is exploring different areas and her travels led her here. Whether or not Khrym is actually supposed to be taking time away from her duties is another question.

"I...did not wear cloth back at home. I wass able to acquire garmentss when I arrived to thiss plasse. Fire ressisstant ass well for...reassonss." The demoness wore a pair of leather pants, a simple shirt, and coverings on her arms. It was a simple outfit that smelled somewhat of smoke. Didn't look bad at least.

"My physsical form was not sspawned with physsical might in mind, but grasse. However, given I'm not a mortal, I'm a lot more ssturdy desspite appearancess." The demon's form was that of grace, endurance, and flexibility. Despite the presence of muscle, she still was quite fit appearing. Curved moderately in breast and bottom. Not to mention the entiredy of her was covered in unmarked, scarlet scales.

"...We will not be disscusssing my body..." Khyrm is....remarkably warm at all times. However, when she's embarassed, angry or arroused she's unbearably hot, to the point of low temperature burns (at her worst). Her scaled form was exotic for sure, curved well enough in the right places, and those scales....were remarkably soft.

Those with a more sensitive nose (or those around her during the proper times) would know that the odd spicy/sweet scent (a bit like cinnamon and apples actually) orginates from her sex. It was much stronger when she was arroused or with her pants off. It does make one curious if she tastes like she smells.

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Greens: Anything I haven't stated below is okay! Just keep in mind I might ping you to ask you something (I can't list everything after all!).

Yellows: Rape. Khyrm might be a demon, but she's classier then that. Of course, I'm occasionally in the mood. Just ask beforehand, okay?

Reds: Scat, Water Sports, Vore, Gore, /HIGH/ BDSM, anything of permanence.

Above all: Roleplay.

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Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf